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Since the beginning of this 2011, I have been waiting with great excitement the launch of the third volume of the series Fallen, and when was revealed the cover and the synopsis of Passion, my excitement increased by 100%!!!

«Every sìngle lìfetìme, ì’ll choose you. Just as you have chosen me. Forever.»

Luce would dìe for Danìel. And she has. Over and over agaìn. Throughout tìme, Luce and Danìel have found each other, only to be paìnfully torn apart: Luce dead, Danìel left broken and alone. But perhaps ìt doesn’t need to be that way. . . .

Luce ìs certaìn that somethìng—or someone—ìn a past lìfe can help her ìn her present one. So she begìns the most ìmportant journey of thìs lìfetìme . . . goìng back eternìtìes to wìtness fìrsthand her romances wìth Danìel . . . and fìnally unlock the key to makìng theìr love last.

Cam and the legìons of angels and Outcasts are desperate to catch Luce, but none are as frantìc as Danìel. He chases Luce through theìr shared pasts, terrìfìed of what mìght happen ìf she rewrìtes hìstory.

Because theìr romance for the ages could go up ìn flames . . . forever.

I found incredible the short stories Lauren Kate wrote and published on the Internet, some of which I have not read, apparently I’m missing two of ‘em. But as they were prior to the launch of the book, served to warm the engines; plus the prologue, chapters 1 and 2 of Passion were published freely by Random House Children, so my excitement was allayed, somewhat on one side but at the time, when I finished reading the editorial gifts, my excitement was multiplied.

So two days after the official release, I managed to get a copy and devour it, in about 18 hours (spread over 6 days) I finish it! And I must say that from the prologue until the last word of the last chapter, Passion was everything and more than I expected, with this volume I could understand the curse of Daniel and Lucinda, as well as the reasons for their love and their decisions.

With each life that Lucinda visited and experienced, was unveiled another reason why Daniel loves her, and that made her also love him more. Even after finishing the book, I could not wrap my mind around everything that both had to go through, in the past lives of Lucinda, and in the journey through the announcers, also see all the obstacles and problems that they had to overcome in each of those past lives to be together, just a few minutes or even a few seconds, everything was very impressive.

The whole book is full of Passion and Love, with this volume I ended completely in love with the story, besides being able to understand very clearly and in detail, why is that Daniel loves Lucinda, in each of her lives.

Passion (Fallen #3) Excerpt, Teaser, Sneak Peek.

The most thrilling scenes for me were:

-Lucinda’s death  in Prussia, when Daniel sleeps for four entire days,in  mourning for Luce. With this I’m already TEAM DANIEL FOREVER !!!!!

– Luce in Tibet, that was totally amazing, you can really feel the pain of the loss in Daniel, because in that lifetime, he could not even touch or kiss Luce. Besides, the fact that Daniel had jumped off the cliff and had tried to kill himself, ensuring only shatter every bone in his entire body, did not make less romantic and dramatic that scene.

-Luce in Russia, I really disliked it, because Lucinda could not chat with Luschka, but it intrigued me that for Luce from 2009, that was the first time she saw firsthand the pain and agony of Daniel for her death.

-Versailles was beautiful, very romantic, really moved me to tears, Daniel is amazing with her there, totally unconditional for Lucinda.

Helston, was so so, since Luce could not, spend time with Daniel, or with Lucinda in Helston, but it was good that she could talk to Roland.

-Bill, has an special mention, from the beginning he gave me a bad feeling because I had understood that those of the «Scale», do not bother anyone from heaven or hell, much less intervene in a travel on the announcers made by angels or immortals as Luce (extra spoiler upss), still I was surprised that Bill was Satan, although it was expected, since in the prologue, where Miss Sophia is taken out of the game, it was implied that the very head of the Fallen would handle everything.

Which is why Bill was always hiding from the angels, Arriane, Roland and Daniel, since they all could have recognized him and that would thrown to the ground all its evil plans, to Lucinda and Daniel. It seemed to me very wise, the description of this character; it is nothing but a liar, deceiver and destroyer, period.

-Luce’s life-that’s on my top5 favorites, was Chichen Itza!!!!! I never would have imagined that Daniel was so, so extremely beautiful!! I died when I read it!!!!! And I cried, I cannot deny it :O

-In London, Luce’s death at the «Globe Theater» was epic!! And Daniel OMG!!!!! It was just inches away of turning the scene into DanielPorn = P hahaha ❤ it !!!!!

-In Tahiti, everything seemed like a charm, and then Luce begins to make a tattoo on Daniel’s body!!!! Wow if that is not love, I cannot imagine what else would be; what most impresses me is that Daniel takes that torture as if it were nothing more than a caress of Lucinda, he takes it without complaint, so damn cute!!!!!

Well I could go on, but better I leave a tiny, tiny extract of Passion, this is very special and totally my favorite of the entire book!! Enjoy!

“Touching him again reminded her of Versailles. She wanted to thank him for saving her from marrying the king. And to beg him never to hurt himself again as he’d done in Tibet. She wanted to ask what he’d dreamed about when he’d slept for days after she’d died in Prussia. She wanted to hear what he’d said to Luschka right before she died that awful night in Moscow. She wanted to pour out her love, and break down and cry, and let him know that every second of every lifetime she’d been through, she had missed him with all her heart.”1

1-All rights belong to Lauren Kate and Random House Children

Thank you for reading girls, leave a comment and quotes or favorite scenes. Do you agree with mines? Or you have others in mind?



Just for you to know

Here is my official review of Fallen


Here is my official review of Torment